MS IE6 BOOKMARKS work with new eMac?



I have amassed lots of urls at home and work on IE6 and want to be able to
transfer them somehow to work on my new eMac (I'll be getting between July 10th, & the 31st). Can I just burn them to CD or Email to my paid yahoo account? is Netscape or Safari ok to use with IE favorites??
Thanks in advance :D
Robert aka zoso1951
Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
Coruscant, Galactic Republic
Your Mac's Specs
14" iBook G3 900/640/40 _ _ Power Macintosh G3 All-In-One 315/768/20 _ _ 20 GB iPod
zoso1951 said:
I have amassed lots of urls at home and work on IE6 and want to be able to
transfer them somehow to work on my new eMac (I'll be getting between July 10th, & the 31st). Can I just burn them to CD or Email to my paid yahoo account? is Netscape or Safari ok to use with IE favorites??
Thanks in advance :D
Robert aka zoso1951

If you copy the IE bookmarks file to your Mac as an .html file (using IE's "export" feature), you can import them into Safari using Safari's hidden Debug menu. Although you can activate the hidden menu from the Terminal, the easiest way would be to download a program called OnyX. This will allow you to activate the Debug menu in Safari, but will also make all of your OS X maintenance extremely simple.

If you prefer the terminal method, make sure Safari isn't running and launch the Terminal. At the prompt, type: defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1 and hit return. Then quit the Terminal and launch Safari.

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